The Game Awards 2018 ( TGA )將會喺香港時間聽朝(12/7)9:30 舉行,一如以往喺頒獎禮裡面將會有多款新作嘅新情報,創辦人 Geoff Keighley 已經放風話將有至少 10 條新情報!

暫時確定會有《 Rage 2 》同《 Far Cry 》嘅新情報:
With a new #RAGE2 trailer arriving at #TheGameAwards, we thought we'd showcase our perfectly crafted sound design.
— RAGE 2 (@rage) December 5, 2018
通常呢啲日子謠言滿天飛都好正常,不過近日就有個幾合理嘅傳聞,就係《 Metroid Prime 三部曲》將會移植落 Switch。有呢個傳聞嘅原因係 Inet 最近上架咗 Metroid Prime Trilogy – Switch,並且寫住將會於 TGA 公佈、或於下年 2 月推出。
點解細佬覺得合理呢?因為上年任天堂喺 TGA 公佈《 Bayonetta 3 》之前就公佈會喺 Switch 推出《 Bayonetta 》同《 Bayonetta 2 》,如果任天堂今年喺 TGA 公佈《 Metroid Prime 4 》新情報,好有可能會重施故持先喺 Switch 出返啲舊作吸引返啲人氣先。
《 Metroid Prime 三部曲》於 2009 年喺 Wii 推出,包含《 Metroid Prime 》、《 Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 》及《 Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 》三款作品,之後喺 2015 年推出 Wii U 版。Metroid Prime 係將 2D 嘅 Metroid 原汁原味咁轉成 3D,特別受歐美玩家歡迎,甚至有人認為呢三款作品係最好嘅 FPS 遊戲。究竟係咪真係會有 Switch 版嘅《 Metroid Prime 三部曲》,聽日就會知!
傳聞以外,亦都有兩隻 Game 肯定喺 TGA 2018 係唔會有新情報,分別係《 The Last of Us Part II 》同《 Cyberpunk 2077 》:
We’re looking forward to celebrating a year of incredible games at #TheGameAwards this Thursday, however, we won’t have anything new to share from The Last of Us Part II. We’re hard at work and looking forward to revealing more when the time is right!
— Naughty Dog (@Naughty_Dog) December 4, 2018
We're looking forward to seeing all the reveals and announcements during this year's @thegameawards, however we're not going to be showing anything there ourselves. We’ll share more details about @cyberpunkgame when we’re ready.
— Marcin Momot (@Marcin360) December 3, 2018
另外,《 Batman Arkham 》系列開發商 Rocksteady 嘅創辦人之一 Seflon Hill 已經表明佢哋會缺席 TGA 2018,同時亦拋出一個震撼彈 ー Rocksteady 現時開發緊嘅遊戲並唔係大家一直好期待嘅 Superman!
Looking forward to #TheGameAwards this year! We’re still hard at work in our development bunker so don’t expect an announcement from @Rocksteadygames. When it’s ready to show, you’ll be the first to know. Spoiler: it’s not Superman 😳
— Sefton Hill (@Seftonhill) November 30, 2018
想知更多 The Game Awards 2018 嘅新聞,記得留意我哋聽日嘅報導喇!